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Quiz 1: Greek Mythology

    1: The Temple Of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World was located in which Greek City?

A) Athens
B) Halicanarsus
C) Byzantium
D) Ephesus
E) Corinth

    2: Apollo was the Greek god of…..

A) The sky
B) Heroes
C) Messengers
D) Love
E) Light

    3: The Statue of Zeus, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World was located in which Greek City?

A) Delphi
B) Sparta
C) Olympia
D) Athens
E) Delos

    4: In greek mythology, the hero Perseus saves Andromeda from a sea monster sent by which ancient Greek deity?

A) Ares
B) Poseidon
C) Asklepius
D) Medusa
E) Demeter

    5: The deity depicted on this attic ware is…….

A) Apollo
B) Ares
C) Asklepius
D) Helios
E) Zeus

    6: Which famous Greek hero slayed the Cyclops?

A) Hercules
B) Odysseus
C) Perseus
D) Oedipus
E) Alcibaides

    7: As punishment for killing Iphitus, the Gods sentenced Heracles to 3 years of servitude to Omphale, the Queen of…...

A) Lydia
B) Sparta
C) Thebes
D) Troy
E) Ithaca

    8: The Straits of Gibraltar were known in the Ancient World as the Pillars of ……

A) Atlas
B) Poseidon
C) Zeus
D) Hercules
E) Atlantis

    9: The Greek Goddess of Love was known as….

A) Artemis
B) Aphrodite
C) Demeter
D) Hera
E) Cupid

    10: According to Greek Mythology, Paris of Troy killed Achilles by shooting an arrow through his….

A) Heart
B) Knee
C) Back
D) Heel
E) Calf


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